The other night Hubs and I went out for a Valentines day date. We chose to go on the 15th because I was going to be coming back late from a Girl Scout event and we wanted to avoid the crowds of dorks who would be dressing in red (like me) and slapping down the Amex (that would be Hubs) for the pricey veneer of romance. We go on dates fairly regularly, but still wanted to make it a point to have some time alone and celebrate the occasion.
After a delicious sushi dinner, we headed over to Scottsdale in search of a place to have dessert. We used the GPS as a guide and paged through a random list of the closest restaurants until we found one nearby that we thought might have yummy slices of cake and glasses of port to go with it. We pulled up somewhere big and fancy and I voiced concern about not having reservations, even though it was the day after Valentine's Day. Hubs rolled his eyes and said we could always head to Baskin Robins as a back up. It was my turn to roll my eyes and chide him for his not so romantic suggestion, I had on my dressy jeans after all. He quickly replied, "That's okay. It will give you something to blog about."
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