Thursday, July 30, 2009

Before and After

We head home in a few days and I am feeling a little bit of the funk. We all have colds, and I am so ready to get home and sleep in my own bed, but equally sad to leave and close the door on all of our highly anticipated summer travel plans. The big trip is almost over and now it is almost after.

You see, I love before. Before is all about anticipation and planning. Before is the lure of the road not travelled. Before is the beginning. Before is what I am going to do, how it might shape me, and the possibilities I have not yet explored. Before is only for me and I am fully in charge of it.

I am not so wild about after. After is all about endings. There is no mystery in after. After is a known thing and can be judged accordingly. After is the end, see you soon, wasn't it fun?

Wasn't it?


latisha said...

can't believe it's already over. this summer is zoooming. bet you'll be glad to get back and sit for a sec tho.

Unknown said...

You know i can't resist pointing out that after is the BIG before of everything that is a comin' - and you know it will be a ride. We will miss you BIG time, see you before long....