Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We are packing to go camping this weekend. We have been considering taking the kids camping for a while and when Girlie's class planned a family trip, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to go.

The truth is, we haven't been camping since Girlie was born. Over the weekend Hubs pulled out our camping boxes, a couple of over-sized plastic tubs we have been lugging in and out of storage and the garage every time we moved from Georgia to South Carolina back to Georgia and finally across country to Arizona, all without opening them once.

It is strange to think of who we were back then, just a couple with a coleman stove and a cheapie tent. We sorted through everything, tossed out some of it, and made a list of what we needed to replace. Our sleeping bags have gone missing and we needed some new propane for our lantern. We had to replace the batteries in our flashlights and pick up some firewood. I did find a deck of cards, though I am not sure how much time we'll have to use them.

And while it was exciting to get ready make this trip with the kids, it also made me realize how much I miss is the way it felt to just be the two of us. I'll add it to the list, but I don't think we can really ever replace it.

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