Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rain, rain, don't go away (yet)

It's been raining non-stop in Boston since Sunday and while the gals on my street are complaining, I'm loving it. After two years in the desert, I've missed these rainy days. As an added bonus, the temperature is unusually cool for the end of summer, so I am wearing long sleeves and boots, a little dress rehearsal for fall. Last night, I slept with the windows cracked. There was a constant downpour and I had the best go to bed and die kind of sleep.

Tomorrow it will be back in the 80's and our leftover chili will seem ridiculous.

But for tonight, it is still brisk and lovely. I'll put the kids in fuzzy jammies, pull the covers up to keep them snug, and then I'll tuck myself in to dream of falling leaves.

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