I am pretty sure it isn't called a vacation when the kids come along. Nevertheless, we are leaving town for a few days and heading out to soak up beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Along with some jaw dropping scenery, Sedona is known as a destination to those seeking metaphysical and spiritual enrichment. In that spirit, we are off in search of new adventures, the most life changing of which will probably be found in the gas station bathroom that we will be forced stop at just fifteen minutes from leaving a more reasonable substitute!
See you in a few days. xoxo
jealous!! rub a crystal for me. i need it.
hey there! i wanted to thank you before i forgot for your great suggestion. i never felt like i had enough time to do revisions and editing and write being home with the babe. after i asked you how you did it - you plainly said i just keep printing and write on it and make changes and reprint while they play.
so i tried it. and its working magic. not sure why i didnt think of this...
anyway. thanks a million! now if only i can get out of bed at 5...
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