Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Three hours

I get up at 5:15, turn on the coffee pot, sit down to do a little writing. Remember that I need to finish invitations for Girlie's 7th birthday party, so I start those instead. At five before six, I hear a sound, no it can't be, wait, there, yes it is, Momma, Little Guy is up. We read 5, no 6, no I am not reading one more, okay 7 books, while I try to finish my coffee. Girlie gets up and I feed both kids breakfast while nibbling on some granola, two bites of yogurt, and sipping my now cold coffee. I pick out clothes for Girlie and wrestle the Little Guy into an outfit. Turn on Sesame Street and scan my closet for something not wrinkled. Ponder ironing a shirt, but no time for that. Get dressed, make lunch for Girlie, eat a few crackers which is going to have to qualify as finishing my breakfast. I check email, change Little Guy's diaper, yuck, take diaper to outside trashcan, remember the dog and let her out, check Girlie's backpack, remind her to pass out Birthday invitations. I slap on some makeup, pull my hair back in a ponytail, do I look okay, no, but no time for that. I make my bed, make Girlie's bed, pick up toys and pick up the ice cream scoop, ball, and tupperware lids from the kitchen floor. I run back to the bedroom and peel Little Guy off of my bed, rearrange pillows and remind myself to see if he changed the alarm time. I clean up breakfast dishes, run back to put on deodorant, then return to the kitchen. I smell something stinky, is it, no it can't be, breathe a sigh of relief that I don't have to change the Little Guy's diaper again. Feel annoyed that I have to take out the trash though. Suddenly, I realize that I have had to pee for at least half an hour. Run to the bathroom, remind Girlie to brush her teeth, take nail clippers from Little Guy and hand him his toothbrush, change toilet paper roll, pick up hand towels from the floor, notice toothpaste in sink and ponder cleaning, but no time for that. I grab mail from my desk, print out an address, stick a box to be mailed in the car, pack a juice for Little Guy, put on his shoes, brush Girlie's hair, let the dog back in, grab my purse...

and we're off.

And it's only 8:45 AM.


latisha said...

wow. im not sure about two kids...

Mental Momma said...

Not for the faint of heart. Two kids = four times the work.