Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

This time last year I was so relieved to be saying goodbye to 2007. It was a year of mixed blessings, the highlight being the birth of the little guy. The six months after he was born were probably the worst of my life. I had a breakdown of sorts and it took some medication and therapy to get through it. I developed a horrible case of insomnia and the stress of having two children, a business to run, and two parents with pretty severe heath issues seemed like more than I could bear. Even though I was well on my way to recovery by the time we rung in the new year, I still felt pretty wrecked. But that is the beauty of a new year. It gives us a place to start fresh, a threshold from which to launch our hope for better times, and a moment to reflect on the time that has just passed.

If 2007 was a year of bumps and bruises, then 2008 was certainly a time of healing for me. This spring I sold my business and we pulled up stakes and moved 2000 miles west. Although I miss my store terribly, I feel so liberated. I have come to realize how much I needed a pause in the crazy pace I was keeping. As I ponder 2009, I feel so optimistic and excited about what the year may bring. Sure, I want to lose 10 lbs and start running again. Of course, I want to eat healthier and get back into yoga. I would like to start having people over more often and expand our group of friends here in Phoenix. But most importantly, and here is the one I'll stick to, I want to write and write and write.

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